As a child I`ve always been fascinated by the stars and the moon. Asking myself the question what it would be like to go into space. So when I got the opportunity to visit the Kennedy Space Center during my Florida trip, I was what you could call excited.
We had the shuttle launch as our first space experience when arriving at KSC and even though it`s cool to learn about how an astronaut gets ready for such a journey and you get a simulation of what they feel, I expected more from it. The same for the astronauts lunch, if you have small children with you, they won`t get much from it, as an adult you can appreciate the stories of the former astronaut, but not convinced to pay the extra money for it.
There`s lots to be seen at Kennedy Space Center. What I liked most was taking in the place, wandering through the rocket garden, standing in front of the Vehicle Assembly Building, that building is huge.
Fun Fact: It`s the 4th largest building in the world by volume
When stepping inside, it`s hard to grasp that a space shuttle can stand here. During the tour I learn that a prefulled space shuttle has to power of an atomic bomb! That`s why engineers have to practice with eggs, because you don`t want to do anything wrong with this fragile object.
It`s just so interesting to see how it all works, seeing the launch pads and learning about it. Like there is a water tower that sits next to the pad, holding 300 000 gallons (1.14 million liters) of water. The water gets dumped on the pad just before the launch to absorb acoustic energy during the launch. It must be amazing to witness a launch in real time.
It`s fascinating to see what, where and how this all happened.
45 $/adult and 35 $/child (3-11) plus tax. This ticket includes:
- Explore Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex
- See IMAX® space films
- Experience all of our exhibits and shows
- Take the Kennedy Space Center Bus Tour
- Second day free for use at the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame® if used within seven days to allow guests to get the full experience.
If you want to have lunch with an astronaut, you pay extra (24.99 $ plus tax for an adult). The KSC Up Close and Up Close Tour is extra too. For more info on the prices.
*Prices were accurate at time of publishing
I was invited on this trip by Visit Florida, but all opinions are my own.
The Kennedy Space Center was defnitely the highlight of my trip a few years back. I’d been to Florida a few times before, and have since, but only on the one trip did I go to the Center. We were staying in Orlando but were so excited we returned a couple of days later to see the things we thought we hadn’t fully taken in. Do they still do those IMAX movies? They simply took my breath away – really feeling as if I was there! The moment when a door was opened to the heavens literally took away my breath for seconds.
Unfortunately because we ran out of time we missed the IMAX movie, with your description just now I`m regretting even more missing it! You definitely have to take your time, as there is so much to see and take in. I would agree it was a highlight on my trip to Florida as well.
Incredible! Space is just so fascinating!
I haven’t been to KSC but I did get to see the space shuttle Enterprise do the fly by in NYC about 2 months ago. What an amazing sight!
Pretty cool experience and surreal walking around where the have launched from I imagine. I have always been captivated watching the shuttle launches on television. I too would have loved to seen one live.