(Maca Bana Grenada) Grenada Waters at Aquarium Beach, below Maca Bana – Love floating in the water with my eyes closed… so relaxing – the sparkling in the water from the reflection of the sun and the patterns it paints on the sand below – just magic!
It’s where I can truly relax
by Lauren DiMarco (Wenham, MA, USA) To me, the beach is the most peaceful place I know. The warmth of the sun, the soothing sound of the waves, the soft sand underfoot, the therapeutic blue water. There is no place I’d rather be if I had to pick one place to stay. It’s where […]
I love everything about the beach because …
by Lisa Dworkin I first fell in love when I was six. It happened when my family moved to a house less than half a block from a beach. From that day forward I’ve been drawn to the beach like a moth to a flame. In fact, the beach’s hold on me is so powerful […]
Because it`s impossible not to be happy on the beach!
by Monica (Stott) At the beach Everyone is happy on the beach and everything is so much more fun. Reading a book in a park is nice but its so much better on a beach!
Love for the Beach
Where does my love for the beach come from? Well, you all know by now that I`m a beach lover, I even invented a day for it on Twitter: #BeachThursday. Being at the beach for a relaxing vacation, gave me some time to think about why I like the beach so much… and I had […]
I love the wonderment of it all!
by Melanie – Excellent Vacation Ideas (Toronto, Canada) Love the Beach! – Costa Maya Mexico Big Island, Hawaii! I love the sounds, smells and wildlife that comes with the beach. I used to scuba dive, so I try and figure out what it looks like underneath the water. I love watching the sunset at the […]