I used to always pick the window seat for the view, but lately when I have long flights I prefer the aisle seat. Why? This way I don`t have to ask others to move when I want to walk around or use the bathroom. Downside is that you`re the one getting up for someone else if they need to get up. Best scenario is being upgraded to Business or First, then you have aisle and window in one! The next best thing when you`re traveling as a couple, is having a seat free in between, this way you have more room and it`s just the two of you in a row.
And then the next question: do you choose a seat at the front of the plane or in the back? Or maybe you don`t really care?
I`ve noticed I prefer to sit at the front of the plane for a few reasons. I don`t like seeing the whole plane when flying, blame it on a previous bumpy ride but seeing the whole plane shake isn`t fun. You have more chance of having your meal choice, because at the back of the plane you hear this line a lot: “We`re very sorry, but we don`t have any choices left, we only have…”. Or even worse they don`t have any food left… yes, that really happened on a flight (the staff was very apologetic though and went looking for food in Business class). Anyone else had such an experience?
On a recent BA flight I came across these statistics in their magazine:
Do you use websites to help you pick the best seat?
When it`s a long flight, I do have a quick look at Seatguru. It`s easy to find your flight and the seat map of the plane you`ll be flying. If you know of other good websites, I would love to hear them in the comments.
What are your pet peeves on a flight?
- Kicking against the seat
- Seat reclining – have the courtesy to have a quick look if the person behind you is eating or drinking.
- No decent entertainment system (Yes Delta I`m looking at you for a 9 hour flight I prefer my own entertainment system and not a prehistoric system where we all have a choice of two movies)
I would love to hear your flight preferences and experiences!
Pretty much the same as you – window for short flights (2 hours or less) and aisle for the others so that you can easily get up and move around. Generally doesn’t bother me whether I’m up the front or at the back and I only choose seats on the long-haul flights, too expensive to justify on the shorter ones.
I agree Kieron, these days they ask 5 euros or more EACH way to book your seats. On a long-haul it`s even more, but then it`s worth considering as you`ll be in that seat for a long time! Thanks for sharing your preference 😉
Perhaps it has been too long since I have been in Business or First Class but I do not remember many seats that are both aisle and window. Still, it is better to be in luxury class than cattle class. Unless you score an entire economy row or emergency row seat. Often, the emergency row seats have more leg room than BC/FC.
When I am flights with food service, I order a special meal. That way, if they do run out of meals, I still get something. And it is usually better than the standard fare.
Well, when I flew First Class it was just one seat, so you have a window and an aisle 🙂 Good tip on ordering the special meal!
I usually end up sitting in the middle or window seat, since Mike prefers the aisle seat. I’m not overly picky, but I do hate crawling over a stranger. That’s just not fun. I don’t mind so much the energetic children on a plane, but I really hate seat kicking and I’ve yet to be on a flight where the parents of said kickers actually said anything to their kids about it 🙁
Can’t believe a plane could run out of meals…not a good sign of business management.
When you travel as a couple, someone does end up in the middle. When you travel on a 3-4-3 structure and you and your partner sit in the middle, at least you only have to ask your partner to get out as the other person has a way out via the other person in the aisle.
Couldn`t understand having no meals left either, as if they`d never served before 😉 I think it was probably catering on the ground that messed up.